Quiz tgl 31 oct 2009 (Description of Business term)

1. Old Business is exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed
2. Stock broken is in between business man in the stock exchange
3. Marketing is means the movements of goods and services from manufacturers to customers and to achieve the company’s objectives
4. The target market is the group of customers or consumers who will probably buy the product is known as the target market
5. Distribution is the movement of product from the factory to the market place
6. System analyst is a specialist in analyzing the system for the computer
7. Placemet is invoices getting the product to the consumers
8. Goods are products that people either need or want for example, cars can be classified as good
9. Public accountant is a specialist in interpreting financial data who receives fee
10. Price leaders are the producers estabilised the average price
11. Modern Business is the production, distribution, and sale of goods and service for a profit
12. Computer operation is an employee whose job s to operate the machine
13. Product is goods or services that a company wants to shell
14. Production is the creation of services of the changing of materials into product
15. Computers programmer is specialist in field of writing the software for the computer
16. Price is amount of money that a company want to change for product
17. Sale is the exchange of a product or services for money
18. Bookkeeper is a specialist in writing and keeping financial information
19. Promotion is communication about the product that take place between buyer and seller
20. Profit is money that remams after all the expenses are paid

1 Response to "Quiz tgl 31 oct 2009 (Description of Business term)"

  1. Anonim Says:
    1 Februari 2020 pukul 00.49

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